Profiles of patients treated with levofloxacin Review article

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Aneta Nitsch-Osuch


Fluoroquinolones are a group of synthetic bactericidal antibiotics with a wide range of antibacterial activity, good bioavailability
and easy dosing.

Indications for the use of fluoroquinolones are wide, especially since some drugs are available both p.o. and i.v., which allows for sequential treatment.

The favorable pharmacokinetic properties of levofloxacin, a broad antibacterial spectrum, the combination of effectiveness and safety of therapy, and convenient once-daily dosing - create a very interesting alternative to other fluoroquinolones in the treatment of bacterial infections. Below are the profiles of patients who may be treated with levofloxacin: 1) patient with community-acquired pneumonia (when allergic to beta-lactam antibiotics or when atypical pneumonia is suspected or in case of infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae resistant to penicillin; 2) patient with COPD exacerbation (when allergic to beta- lactam antibiotics or when Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is suspected); 3) patient with acute sinusitis (adjusted therapy in case of recurrence or recurrent acute rhinosinusitis, in case of acute infection superimposed on chronic sinusitis; in case of allergy to beta-lactam antibiotics; 4) patient with urinary tract infection (acute pyelonephritis and complicated UTI) – first-line antibiotic in adults; 5) patient with chronic bacterial prostatitis – first-line antibiotic.

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How to Cite
Nitsch-Osuch, A. (2024). Profiles of patients treated with levofloxacin. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 17(2(63), 313-318.


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