27. Konferencja Europejskiej Fundacji Charcota – najważniejsze doniesienia Raport konferencyjny


Aleksandra Podlecka-Piętowska


W ostatnich latach w leczeniu stwardnienia rozsianego nastąpił ogromny postęp. Jednak daleko jeszcze do osiągnięcia pełnego sukcesu, czyli możliwości wyleczenia z tej choroby. Konieczne są zatem dalsze wysiłki i badania. Dotyczy to także innych chorób demielinizacyjnych, które są znacznie rzadsze niż stwardnienie rozsiane i o których nasza wiedza jest bardzo ograniczona. Badania nad patogenezą, immunologią, patomorfologią oraz leczeniem stwardnienia rozsianego i innych chorób demielinizacyjnych prowadzi m.in. Europejska Fundacja Charcota. Na jej corocznych konferencjach przedstawiane są najnowsze osiągnięcia w tej dziedzinie. W 2019 r. odbyła się już 27. edycja tej konferencji (27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation), poświęcona głównie roli limfocytów B w patogenezie stwardnienia rozsianego, terapiom skierowanym na limfocyty B oraz innym chorobom demielinizacyjnym przebiegającym z obecnością przeciwciał. Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się na najbardziej interesujących doniesieniach.




1. Prat A. B Cell Migration into the CNS. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
2. Lassmann H. B Cells in MS Lesions: When, where and how many? 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
3. Kabat EA, Moore DH, Landow H. An electrophoretic study of the protein components in cerebrospinal fluid and their relationship to the serum proteins. J Clin Invest. 1942; 21(5): 571-77.
4. Karcher D, Van Sande M, Lowenthal A. Micro-electrophoresis in agar gel of proteins of the cerebrospinal fluid and central nervous system. J Neurochem. 1959; 4(2): 135-40. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-4159.1959.tb13182.x.
5. Esiri MM. Immunoglobulin-containing cells in multiple-sclerosis plaques. Lancet. 1977; 2(8036): 478.
6. Prineas JW, Wright RG. Macrophages, lymphocytes, and plasma cells in the perivascular compartment in chronic multiple sclerosis. Lab Invest. 1978; 38(4): 409-21.
7. Hauser SL, Waubant E, Arnold DL. B-cell depletion with rituximab in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 2008; 358(7): 676-88. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa0706383.
8. Hartung HP. Treatment of Relapsing MS. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
9. Montalban X. Treatment of Primary Progressive MS. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
10. Kappos L. Future Developments. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
11. Bar-Or A. B Cells as Modulator of immune responses. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
12. Gommerman J. Recirculating Intestinal IgA-Producing Cells Regulate Neuroinflammation via IL-10. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
13. Michel L. ALCAM regulates B Lymphocyte Migration across Central Nervous System Barriers. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
14. Meinl E. Interaction of Glial Cells and B Cells in MS. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
15. Magliozzi R. B Cell and Cortical Demyelination. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
16. Absinta M. In Vivo MRIEvidence of Disruption of the Blood-meningeal Barrier. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
17. Dornmair K. Oligoclonal Immunoglobulins in the CSF versus CNS Lesions. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
18. Bennett JL. Pathogenic Auto-antibodies Produced by CSF Plasma Cells. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
19. Uccelli A. IgG–IgM as Markers of Disease State and Courses. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
20. Gastaldi M. Auto-antibodies in MS. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
21. Klotz L. Body Fluids Analysis. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
22. Höftberger R. The Role of Peripheral CNS-Directed Antibodies in Promoting Inflammatory CNS Demyelination. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
23. Correale J. Molecular Mechanisms that Modulate the Immunoprotective Response of B Cells. A Different View to our Current Approach. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
24. Correale J. Preventing Risks. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
25. Edan G. Management of Early Complications. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
26. Selmaj K. Long Term Adverse Effects. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
27. Häusler D. B Cell Repopulation after Anti-CD20 Treatment. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
28. Bergman J. Intrathecal Anti-CD20: Effect or Fiction? 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
29. Ghezzi A. B Cells Therapy in Pediatric Age. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
30. Palace J, Mariano R. Epidemiology of MOG Antibody Associated Disease. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
31. Fujihara K. From Immunology to Treatment. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.
32. Misu T. The Pathological Spectrum of MOG Antibody Associated Disease. 27th Annual Meeting of European Charcot Foundation.