Discontinuation of immunomodulatory treatment in multiple sclerosis and disease progression – case reports Case report

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Alina Kułakowska
Dominika Jakubowicz-Lachowska
Wiesław Drozdowski


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory and degenerative disease of the central nervous system, with still unknown etiology. Drugs that have been used for approximately 20 years, including first registered interferon β1b, favorably modify the natural course of relapsing-remitting MS. The registration of interferon β preparations was preceded by 24-month multicenter randomized double-blind clinical trials. Only when these drugs were implemented in outpatient healthcare, long-term sequels of the therapy, both in terms of its efficacy and safety, could be observed. The long-term follow-up has allowed the hypothesis that interferon therapy should be continued as long as it is effective and has no side effects. This is also in accordance with the guidelines for first line treatment in MS recommended by National Health Fund in our country. We present two cases of female patients who experienced pronounced relapse of MS shortly after discontinuation of long-term effective treatment with interferon β.

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