Professional activity of patients with epilepsy with multiple sclerosis Original article

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Anna Staniszewska
Marlena Polak


Background: The multiple sclerosis disrupt every area of the patient’s life, including the professional activity.
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the occupational activity of patients with multiple sclerosis. Particular attention was paid to employment of patients, and the way the workplace is informed about the disease.
Material and methods: Participants were recruited through multiple channels, including online websites, a forum for people suffering from multiple sclerosis, and from a neurological outpatient clinic in Warsaw, and asked to fill in a customized questionnaire, containing questions on their socio-demographic, clinical and employment status.
Results: The study included 50 adult patients with multiple sclerosis (30 professionally active and 20 inactive). The study shows that the most frequently experienced signs of multiple sclerosis in the study group were fatigue (18%), visual disturbances (14%) and pain (14%). As many as 86% respondents had revealed the disease at work.
Conclusions: Multiple sclerosis is a great obstacle to finding and maintaining employment. The attitude of employers towards the problem of people with MS, adapting the working conditions and the acceptance of patient, has an important impact on the patients’ ability to continue working.

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