Single-pill combination therapy is the key to success, that is better together than alone Review article

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Marcin Barylski


Combined preparations are the future of treatment. Physicians are gaining more practical experience in their use and witnessing the emergence of new pharmaceutical combinations in the market. These combinations significantly improve cooperation with the patient and facilitate treatment. The selection of substances within a composite drug is crucial. Modern therapy aims not only for sustained blood pressure and/or heart rate control while maintaining a good quality of life but also for correcting hemodynamic and metabolic disorders and, above all, it aims to prolong life by reducing morbidity, and mortality due to coronary events, heart failure and strokes. This paper discusses the role that can be played by composite drug that is a combination of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor – ramipril, which, in addition to its hypotensive effect, has outstanding cardio- and vasoprotective properties, and β-blocker – bisoprolol, which is a leader among preparations in its therapeutic group and has an established position in cardiac therapy.

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How to Cite
Barylski, M. (2024). Single-pill combination therapy is the key to success, that is better together than alone. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 17(1(62), 95-102.


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