MedEdu Journals


MS Report

"MS Report"  is a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly publishing papers in: multiple sclerosis and neurology. We encourage you to submit: original papers, review articles, case reports, rapid communication, research letters, hypotheses, meeting proceedings, letter to the editor. We guarantee fast publication. There are no submission or processing charges.

ISSN: 2084-9435      DOI: 10.24292/01.MS


"Alergoprofil. Journal of allergens, pollens and spores" (abbr.: "Alergoprofil") is a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly publishing papers in: allergology, immunology and medical palynology. The journal is on the list of the Polish Ministry of Education and Science. For publishing the article, the author receives 20 points. We encourage you to submit: original papers, review articles, case reports, rapid communication, research letters, hypotheses, meeting proceedings, letter to the editor. We guarantee fast publication. There are no submission or processing charges.

e-ISSN: 2544-5111        DOI: 10.24292/01.AP

Indexed in: Polish Journals Master List: 20 points 
                       Google Scholar


The main area of OncoReview’s  scientific mission is the emerging field of interdisciplinary oncology, with particular emphasis on cardio-oncology. Scientific papers published in the journal concern modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in this population of patients, as well as all adverse events related to anticancer treatment. Objective assessment of the benefits and risks of new oncological drugs is a unique benefit of the published works. 

e-ISSN: 2450-6125        DOI: 10.24292/01.OR

Indexed in: 
SCOPUS: SJR = 0.125; SNIP = 0.099
                      Polish Journals Master List: 20 points 
                      Index Copernicus: 116.25                                     
                      Google Scholar
                      Polish Medical Bibliography


OphthaTherapy. Therapies in Ophthalmology

"OphthaTherapy. Therapies in Ophthalmology" (abbr.: OphthaTherapy) is a peer-reviewed scientific quarterly publishing papers in: ophthalmology, ophthalmic surgery (including minimally invasive surgery and laser therapy), pharmacological treatment of eye diseases, including glaucoma, as well as work in the contactology. The journal is on the list of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. For publishing the article, the author receives 40 points.
We encourage you to submit: original papers, review articles, case reports, rapid communication, research letters, hypotheses, meeting proceedings, letter to the editor. There are no submission or processing charges.

"OphthaTherapy" accepts submissions in English only. Other language versions may be published as additional ones.

e-ISSN: 2543-9987       ISSN: 2353-7175       DOI: 10.24292/01.OT

Indexed in: SCOPUS: CiteScore 2022 - 0.1, CiteScore Tracker 2023 - 0.2

                       Polish Journals Master List: 20 points
                       Index Copernicus: 89.57
                       Google Scholar
                        Polish Scientific Journal Database

Cardiology in Practice

The quarterly "Cardiology in Practice" (pol.: "Kardiologia w Praktyce") is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. "Cardiology in Practice" publishes review, original, case studies and other papers on the bcardiological issues, focusing on the practical aspects of the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. The author receives 5 points for publishing an article in its pages. We encourage you to submit: original papers, review articles, case reports, short messages, research letters, hypotheses, conference reports and letters to the editor. We guarantee quick publication. The journal does not charge for publication.

ISSN: 1643-9961        DOI: 10.24292/01.KwP

Neuropsychiatria. Przegląd kliniczny

"Neuropsychiatria. Przegląd kliniczny" to czasopismo naukowe skierowane do lekarzy: klinicystów, praktyków psychiatrii, neurologii psychoterapii, neuropsychiatrii, neuropsychologii.

"Neuropsychiatria" to forum wymiany wiedzy, poglądów i idei badaczy oraz klinicystów. Pismo integruje efekty kliniczne z ich podstawami, głównie psychologicznymi i neurofizjologicznymi, łączącymi celowość działań diagnostycznych z metodami leczenia. Koncentruje zarówno treści neurologiczne, jak i psychiatryczne.


ISSN 2080-4091  e-ISSN 2084-2619

Medycyna i Życie

Kwartalnik „Medycyna i Życie" to popularne czasopismo naukowe publikujące przedruki i praktyczne prace z zakresu szeroko pojętej medycyny i farmakologii. Prezentowane treści mają na celu przedstawienie praktycznych apektów terapii, skutecznych metod leczenia i wskazówek istotnych w codziennej praktyce lekarskiej. 

Publikowane prace pochodzą głównie z materiałów wydawnictwa, a za ich dobór odpowiada Redakcja. 

e-ISSN: 2719-7905

Medycyna Faktow (J EBM)

Medycyna Faktów (J EBM) is an independent scientific journal, appearing in the form of a quarterly. The journal is not an organ of any scientific society, however, the Scientific Council of the journal consists of members of the Polish Cardiac Society, the Polish Society of Hypertension, the Polish Society of Cardiac Surgery, and the Polish Diabetes Society. The qualification of works for publication takes into account the principles of the Helsinki Declaration, the consent of bioethical committees, the guidelines of the Polish Scientific Bibliography and other commonly used and binding rules and regulations.

Medycyna Faktów quarterly publishes original, review and other papers in the field of evidence-based medicine, as well as translated articles from foreign journals.

The editor-in-chief of the Medycyna Faktów is prof. dr hab. n. med. Marek Kuch.


ISSN: 1899-8666    e-ISSN: 2719-4132

DOI: 10.24292 / 01.MF


Indexed in: Google Scholar

                      Polish Medical Bibliography