The main area of OncoReview’s  scientific mission is the emerging field of interdisciplinary oncology, with particular emphasis on cardio-oncology. Scientific papers published in the journal concern modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in this population of patients, as well as all adverse events related to anticancer treatment. Objective assessment of the benefits and risks of new oncological drugs is a unique benefit of the published works. 

e-ISSN: 2450-6125        DOI: 10.24292/01.OR

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Vol 14 No 1(53) (2024)

Dear Readers,

breast cancer is still the number 1 cancer in the female population. Although modern diagnostic methods and new drugs create an opportunity to improve the prognosis, an equally important aspect of long-term care is the quality of life and safety of patients undergoing such treatment. This last problem is devoted to a review article on the management of treatment with aromatase inhibitors by Jagiełło-Gruszfeld, who is an outstanding and recognized practicing oncologist.

In the next work, a team of young scientists from leading Warsaw clinical centers present their original observations regarding the results of histopathological tests in main variants of breast cancer.

The current issue of “OncoReview” closes with an extremely interesting description of a clinical cardio-oncological case by Stykiewicz et al. In an elegant paper, the authors presented diagnostic difficulties, especially in the field of non-invasive cardiological diagnostics, in a patient with lung cancer and suspicion of acute coronary syndrome.

As always, I wish you an engaging and enlightening read.

Radosław Grabysa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Published: 2024-04-23

The comparison between the two most common histological subtypes of breast cancer – invasive ductal and invasive lobular breast carcinoma.

Original article

Marta Fudalej, Aleksandra Sobiborowicz-Sadowska, Agata Mormul, Sylwia Jopek, Agnieszka Borowiec, Piotr Sikorski, Janusz Patera, Andrzej Deptała, Anna Maria Badowska-Kozakiewicz


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