The main area of OncoReview’s scientific mission is the emerging field of interdisciplinary oncology, with particular emphasis on cardio-oncology. Scientific papers published in the journal concern modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in this population of patients, as well as all adverse events related to anticancer treatment. Objective assessment of the benefits and risks of new oncological drugs is a unique benefit of the published works.
e-ISSN: 2450-6125 DOI: 10.24292/01.OR
Indexed in: SCOPUS: SJR = 0.125; SNIP = 0.099
Polish Journals Master List: 20 points
Index Copernicus: 116.25
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Polish Medical Bibliography
Current Issue
Vol 14 No 2(54) (2024)
Dear Readers,
In the current issue of “OncoReview”, we continue, among other things, the topic related to breast cancer.
This time, Madnoorkar et al. in their review paper focus on the problem of drug resistance during the treatment of this cancer. It seems that early identification of the molecular mechanisms of this process may enable the synthesis and introduction of drugs into anticancer therapy that provide a chance for further improvement in the prognosis in this population of patients.
Another interesting article for a practicing physician is the work by Żak et al., in which the authors describe a case of typical fibroxanthoma on the left earlobe margin, rarely encountered in everyday practice.
The current issue of OR ends with the original work by Fudalej et al. on awareness of colorectal cancer in the population of young Poles. The conducted survey revealed a significant knowledge gap between rural and urban inhabitants as well as medical and non-medical groups. The results obtained by young researchers confirm the need to intensify educational activities concerning this frequently occurring cancer.
As always, I wish you an interesting read,
Radosław Grabysa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Published: 2024-07-14