A review of guidelines on first- and second-line therapies in the treatment of multiple sclerosis Review article

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Marta Dąbrowska
Katarzyna Sejbuk-Rozbicka
Anna Zaremba
Ewa Bałkowiec-Iskra


All drugs currently used for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Poland have been granted their market authorisation within the last 10 years. The majority of them were authorised by the central registration. Seven of them are reimbursed (therefore covered from the public funds) via so-called “drug programmes” (five via a programme dedicated to first line treatment, two via a programme dedicated to the second line). For the purpose of this article guidelines on treatment of multiple sclerosis were searched, with special regard to the recommended duration of treatment. A short characterization of the current reimbursment situation in the area of MS treatment in Poland was also given, as well as an outline of the changes that have taken place in the recent year regarding: removal of the 60-month time limit on first line treatment and application for reimbursment of a newly registered substance – dimethyl fumarate.

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