Patient-oriented post-registration communication on adverse drug reactions Review article

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Marcin Kaczor
Tomasz Guzel
Andrzej Członkowski
Elżbieta Bartoszek-Balas
Dagmara Mirowska-Guzel


Adverse drug reactions are big challenge for modern medicine. One of the appropriate part of doctor–patient relation is informing about adverse drug reactions. Knowledge, the same as the way of informing, is crucial to ensure patient’s safety. It includes diminishing patient’s fear of using the drug but on the other hand accepting cessation of pharmacotherapy in case of unacceptable risk. Nowadays, patients might be involved in pharmacovigilance system, as they might report suspicion on adverse drug reactions. Sometimes they even contact with the stakeholder to provide data on drug safety. In the article the main aspects of doctor–patients and patient–stakeholder communication on adverse drug reactions were presented.

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