Chlorthalidone – the forgotten diuretic with huge possibilities? Review article

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Jacek Lewandowski


Diuretics are drugs commonly used in therapy of hypertension and other diseases. Among diuretics, thiazides are first – line hypotensive drugs in therapy of hypertension. Hydrochlorothiazide has become by far the most commonly prescribed antihypertensive drug. Recently its low doses efficacy and cardiovascular benefits are questioned. As alternative the chlortalidon has been indicated. Clinical trials and smaller studies are presented in the article comparing both drugs in regard to their hypotensive efficacy and influence on cardiovascular risk reduction.

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How to Cite
Lewandowski, J. (2012). Chlorthalidone – the forgotten diuretic with huge possibilities?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 5(2(15), 23-30. Retrieved from


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