Ivabradine in chronic heart failure therapy Review article

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Marcin Wełnicki
Anna Adamska-Wełnicka
Artur Mamcarz


High heart rate (HR) is known to be independent risk factor of cardiovascular death. In chronic heart failure and stable angina β-blockers are the first line pharmacotherapy to reduce HR, due to their adverse effects however there are rarely use in full doses. According to latest guidelines in patient with chronic heart failure, sinus rhythm and HR equal or above 70 bpm despite β-blockers usage of ivabradine should be taken into consideration. Clinical studies have shown ivabradine to reduce cardiovascular outcomes and improve life quality in chronic heart failure patients.

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How to Cite
Wełnicki , M., Adamska-Wełnicka , A., & Mamcarz , A. (2012). Ivabradine in chronic heart failure therapy. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 5(4(17), 69-73. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2444


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