Original versus generic drugs Review article

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Tomasz Drewa
Przemysław Adamczyk


Retail of generic drugs is a common practice used extensively by the worldwide pharmaceutical industry. Generic drug manufacturer is not required to provide accurate preclinical or clinical studies to the registration authority, and it should determine drug bioavailability. Pharmacoeconomic benefits from the use of generic drugs are undeniable, and the differences in their chemical composition, as well as even slight modifications of active molecules, used by manufacturers of generic drugs, can be very important in their proper function. In the absence of trials comparing the original and generic drugs, it seems that the doctor is the only one to decide about patient’s treatment, because only he has adequate clinical experience and knows the possible side effects of the drug. In our opinion it is unacceptable for pharmaceutists to substitute drugs in arbitrary way. Unfortunately it is used sometimes in pharmacy practice.

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How to Cite
Drewa, T., & Adamczyk, P. (2014). Original versus generic drugs. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 7(4(25), 54-57. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2337


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