Atorvastatin – a good choice. The efficacy and safety in the light of clinical trials Review article

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Wioletta Wydra
Marek Kuch


The benefits of statin therapy depend mainly on the reduction of LDL-C. Atorvastatin is known as a very strong statin – it reduces LDL-C by up 50–55%, without any significant increase in adverse events. The use of high doses of atorvastatin allows to achieve the prescribed therapeutic purposes, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular events. Numerous clinical trials confirmed the efficacy and safety of high doses of atorvastatin. Despite a lot of firm evidence from clinical trials and recommendations, doctors still prescribe intensive statin therapy too rarely.

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How to Cite
Wydra, W., & Kuch , M. (2015). Atorvastatin – a good choice. The efficacy and safety in the light of clinical trials. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 8(3(28), 28-32. Retrieved from


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