Telmisartan in patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease – modify the dose or not? Review article

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Marek Chmielewski
Marek Kuch
Krzysztof Pawlaczyk


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is well recognized cardiovascular risk factor. One of the factors leading to end-stage renal disease is poorly controlled hypertension. Nephroprotective efficacy of telmisartan, comparable with ramipril, was established in ONTARGET trial. The use of telmisartan in patients with CKD does not require dose adjustment.

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How to Cite
Chmielewski , M., Kuch , M., & Pawlaczyk, K. (2017). Telmisartan in patients with hypertension and chronic kidney disease – modify the dose or not?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 10(1(34), 26-29. Retrieved from


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