Goodnight whether good morning – when to take statins? Review article

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Marcin Wełnicki
Artur Mamcarz


Statins are crucial for pharmacotherapy of dyslipidemia for decades. Regardless commune long-term use of drugs in this group, numbers of clinical studies showing good tolerance of clinical benefits of statins, there are still some myth as far as those drugs are concerned. Guideline to take statins only in the evening is one of those. As usually in every myth there is a grain of truth. The knowledge of pharmacokinetics of statins lets us make a clear statement – the principle “only in the evening” dose not refer to all statins.

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How to Cite
Wełnicki , M., & Mamcarz , A. (2017). Goodnight whether good morning – when to take statins?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 10(2(35), 99-102. Retrieved from


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