10 facts about ezetimibe Review article

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Marcin Barylski


Ezetimibe has a different mechanism of lipid-lowering action than statins, does not interact with substances metabolized by cytochrome P450, increases the hypolipemic effect of any statin and improves the cardiovascular outcome. It is used as a second-line drug in combination with statins, when the therapeutic target has not been achieved despite the administration of a maximum tolerated dose of statin or in patients with intolerance to statins or contraindications to their use.

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How to Cite
Barylski , M. (2019). 10 facts about ezetimibe. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 12(1(42), 55-58. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.MF.0418.16


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