Use combination of quetiapine and donepezil in the treatment of dementia in elderly patients Review article

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Piotr Wierzbiński


The goals of the treatment of dementia is to slow down the progression of neurological changes and reduce the severity of symptoms. One of the early symptoms of the development of neurological diseases is late-onset depression, which is associated with impaired functioning of the prefrontal circuits, prefrontal-striatal dysfunction, which is responsible for cognitive-depressive dysfunction. This syndrome responds poorly to antidepressants and better to dopaminergic drugs. Based on the literature and clinical experience, we can conclude that the combination of donepezil and quetiapine may provide many benefits to patients with dementia and is well tolerated. Cholinesterase inhibitors (i.e. donepezil) have the best proven effect in the first stage of the disease, when cholinergic deficiency is most prevalent, and benefit from 30–50% of patients. Quetiapine has a lower potential for developing weight gain and metabolic complications, and for producing hyperprolactinaemia and extrapyramidal symptoms, and is better tolerated.

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How to Cite
Wierzbiński, P. (2021). Use combination of quetiapine and donepezil in the treatment of dementia in elderly patients. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 14(1(50), 104-109.


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