Use of chemiotherapeutics in treatment and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections in children Review article
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Chemotherapeutics are the basic drugs recommended for treatment of lower urinary tract infections and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections. Data both from Polish and international surveys indicate still high susceptibility of E. coli to nitrofurantoin and furasidine. The possibility of using the drug in a liquid form allows the drug to be used even in young children and to precisely adjust the dose to body weight.
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How to Cite
Litwin , M. (2022). Use of chemiotherapeutics in treatment and prophylaxis of urinary tract infections in children. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 15(2(55), 211-213.
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3. Zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Nefrologii Dziecięcej (PTNFD) dotyczące postępowania z dzieckiem z zakażeniem układu moczowego (access: 18.03.2022).
2. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Urinary tract infection in under 16s: diagnosis and management (access: 18.03.2022).
3. Zalecenia Polskiego Towarzystwa Nefrologii Dziecięcej (PTNFD) dotyczące postępowania z dzieckiem z zakażeniem układu moczowego (access: 18.03.2022).