Indapamide – unique drug in the management of hypertension Review article

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Marta Domańska
Iwonna Grzywanowska-Łaniewska


Available clinical studies performed in the last few decades proved that indapamide is efficacious antihypertensive agent comparable to furosemid, thiazide diuretics, and other medications in the antihypertensive management. Indapamide can be used effectively in the circumstances of organic complication such as left ventrivular hypertrophy with advantages comparable to ACE inhibitors, calcium blockers and β-blockes and advantages even over hydrochlorothiazide and also for prevention of micro- and macrovascular complications and progression of nephropathy in diabetic patients as well as secondary stroke prevention. Compared to loop or thiazide diuretics indapamide shows almost no adverse metabolic effects especially with cholesterol and glucose levels and produces quite little toxicity providing good tolerance and safety. Due to unique acting mechanism of diuretic effects combined with a direct vascular action indapamide proved its efficacy in low renin hypertension most common among elderly patients.

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How to Cite
Domańska , M., & Grzywanowska-Łaniewska, I. (2011). Indapamide – unique drug in the management of hypertension. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 4(2(11), 41-49. Retrieved from


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