Dear Readers,

breast cancer is still the most common malignancy in women and one of the most common mortality factors in this population. In the article opening the current issue of “OncoReview” Elbasyouni et al. present a highly unfavorable immunohistochemical profile of this disease among Algerian women.

As we have already declared, the “OncoReview” columns are always open to ambitious, young scientists. And this is also the case in the latest issue of our magazine. Members of the Student Scientific Society at the Hematology Clinic of the Medical University of Lodz present two very interesting clinical cases in the field of broadly understood interdisciplinary onco-hematology (specifically hemostatic disorders). The first one concerns hypodysfibrinogenemia in the course of pregnancy, and the next one the difficult treatment of thrombocytopenia in a patient with antiphospholipid syndrome and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance.

In another very interesting mini-review, a group of Iranian authors presents the potential site of sclareol – herbal substance derived from the plant Salvia sclarea in cancer prevention and control.

The present “OncoReview” number is another issue in which we draw your attention to the role of modern antiandrogens from the so-called ARTA group, primarily apalutamide, in the treatment of progressive prostate cancer.

As always, I wish you inspiring reading,

Radosław Grabysa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Opublikowane: 2021-12-31

Dealing with hypodysfibrinogenemia during pregnancy with a successful outcome

Opis przypadku

Zuzanna Faflik ,Michał Witkowski,Magdalena Witkowska ,Piotr Smolewski ,Tadeusz Robak


Sclareol and cancer prevention: A mini-review

Artykuł przeglądowy

Mohammad Sadegh Qadirifard,Zahra Arabpour ,Sahar Afsahi,Fatemeh Sorkheh ,Seyedeh Negin Hamidpour,Nazli Ahangarzadeh ,Bafrin Dabestani ,Arina Ansari ,Niloofar Deravi
