Main characters of film series with cluster B personality disorders of DSM classification Review article

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Marcin Zarzycki
Olga Łoza


The term “successful psychopaths” was first described in 2005. It is associated with high-powered individuals who belong to cluster B personality disorders of DSM. However, the phenomenon was presented long before that date as a part of world’s most popular TV film series. Moreover, there are more and more film series of this type, like House of Cards. They define what lifestyle is appropriate, modeling and trend-setting the next generation growth.

Is it a society that has changed or are the TV shows the ones which influence us? Can it be dangerous? The article presents broad spectrum of cluster B personality disorders displayed among main characters of most popular TV shows of our time. The evolution of TV shows and social requirements are strongly connected and work on the basis of the psychosocial feedback, and it is not possible to identify the primary cause of this mechanism, or what is worse – the final result.

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