Decubitus – practical aspects of diagnosis and treatment Review article

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Tomasz Guzel
Bohdan Dąbrowski
Ireneusz W. Krasnodębski


Decubitus seems to be a serious problem of national health care systems all over the world. Pressure ulcer are diagnosed even in over 60% of hospitalized patients and in ambulatory/home care also. The most important in decubitus treatment and prophylaxis is to determine the risk factors and early prevention. After proper identification group of patients with increased risk of decubitus presence it is necessary to start prophylaxis with decompression of pressure ulcer area and regular/often patients position changing. In pressure ulcer treatment, after proper classification, it is recommended to start with wound debridement using surgical procedures sometimes. There are many groups of products which can be used in decubitus treatment in different stages and anatomical localisations. In the review we present the methods of pressure ulcer prophylaxis and treatment according to the international and national guidelines and classification.

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