Acceptance of disease among patients with multiple sclerosis Original article

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Monika Januszko
Anna Staniszewska


Background: Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, which is a chronic disease, forced those surveyed to modify some of their behaviors related to lifestyle.

Aim: The aim of this paper is the evaluation of the degree of acceptance of a disease in adults patients with multiple sclerosis, and the evaluation of the impact of the demographic, and clinical variables on the degree of acceptance of the disease.

Material and Methods: The study involved 25 patients with multiple sclerosis aged 27–55 years. In the study used Acceptance of Illness Scale questionnaire and authors’ own questionnaire. The study was carried out during the period from March to April 2017 in the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.

Results: The mean value for overall rates of illness acceptance for all patients was 22,32 ± 6,53, which indicated a mean level of illness acceptance of the patients. Average values for particular statements, in accordance with AIS, ranged from 2,40 to 3,28.

Conclusions: The illness acceptance depends on many factors, clinical and demographics.

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