Recommendation of Polish clinical experts on the strategy of treatment with cladribine tablets depending on the patient’s characteristic Experts recommendations

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Alina Kułakowska
Dagmara Mirowska-Guzel
Monika Adamczyk-Sowa
Halina Bartosik-Psujek
Waldemar Brola
Alicja Kalinowska
Konrad Rejdak
Krzysztof Selmaj
Agnieszka Słowik
Adam Stępień


The therapy with cladribine in tablets in a standard regimen, available in the multiple sclerosis therapeutic program, stabilizes the course of the disease in a significant percentage of patients. At the same time, both results of clinical trials, data from current clinical practice and the own experience of many neurologists indicate that disease activity after administration of 2 cycles of cladribine tablets may occur in some patients, both within 2 years of active treatment and later, i.e. in year 3 and 4 and after 4 years. Therefore, some patients may experience clinical and/or radiological activity both after the lapse of the registered 4-year treatment period with 2-year active treatment and even before its expiration. In present article, a group of Polish experts referred to known and described in the literature types of response to cladribine in tablets and formulated recommendations regarding the management in situations of incomplete treatment effectiveness or recurrence of the disease despite its use in the total recommended and registered dose.

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