Basic farmakokinetic properties of drugs used in multiple sclerosis Review article

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Dagmara Mirowska-Guzel
Joanna Przybek


Recent advancements in the therapy of multiple sclerosis have brought significant improvements in the course of the disease. Drugs that are currently available in Poland are: interferons, glatiramer acetate, dimethyl fumarate as a first-line therapy, fingolimod and natalizumab as asecond-line treatment. Addditionally teryflunomide and alemtuzumab has been also registered. All above drugs differs in route of administration, frequency of using, farmacodynamic and farmakokinetic properties, efficacy and safety profile. Newer drugs are considered to be more effective but they might also have higher risk of adverse effect. Drug-drug interactions might be also essential and even life-threatening however for majority of disease-modifying drugs used in multiple sclerosis they are not well known. This knowledge might be essential for optimizing multiple sclerosis therapy. This review is aimed at providing up to date data on these interactions as well as on pharmacokinetics.

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