Why do the latest guidelines on the treatment of hypertension (PTNT 2015) indicate that telmisartan, as an exception among ARBs, should be the drug of choice in patients with hypertension and multiple cardiovascular risk factors Komentarz


Marek Chmielewski
Marek Kuch


The efficacy of telmisartan for cardiovascular prevention in high-risk patients has been confirmed in the ONTARGET study. Telmisartan is as efficacious as ACE inhibitors (ramipril), which has ensured its high position in the current PTNT recommendations (2015).


Jak cytować
Chmielewski , M., & Kuch, M. (2016). Why do the latest guidelines on the treatment of hypertension (PTNT 2015) indicate that telmisartan, as an exception among ARBs, should be the drug of choice in patients with hypertension and multiple cardiovascular risk factors. Medycyna Faktów , 9(1(30), 30-31. Pobrano z https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2264


1. HOPE Study Investigators. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 145-153.
2. The ONTARGET Investigators. N Engl J Med 2008; 358: 1547-1559.
3. Management of Arterial Hypertension. 2015 Guidelines of the Polish Society of Arterial Hypertension; 1(1): 1-70.