How has cardiac rehabilitation changed in the last 20 years? Review article

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Maja Brzezińska
Maciej Janiszewski


Cardiac rehabilitation is now an integral element of complex therapy for a patient with cardiovascular diseases. The progress in the therapy of the most common cardiological diseases, such as coronary heart disease, heart defects or heart failure implies the need for constant modification of the rules of rehabilitation. These changes are clearly visible in the guidelines of the Polish Cardiac Society regarding the principles of rehabilitation in a group of patients with cardiovascular diseases. The article compares the PTK guidelines of 2004 and 2017, highlighting the most important parallels that appeared between these two documents.

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How to Cite
Brzezińska , M., & Janiszewski , M. (2020). How has cardiac rehabilitation changed in the last 20 years?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 13(2(47), 230-235.


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