Efficacy of calcium dobesylate in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency Review article

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Ewa Galewicz
Jacek Lewandowski


Chronic venous insufficiency is a set of symptoms resulting from long-term venous dilatation and the associated increase in venous pressure. The therapy includes conservative, minimally invasive, surgical methods or is a combination of methods mentioned above. Conservative treatment is based on compression therapy and supportive measures such as physiotherapy, manual lymphatic drainage and the use of phlebotonics. Due to the low percentage of patients who accept compression therapy, phlebotonic drugs play an important role in eliminating the symptoms of venous insufficiency. Calcium dobesilate belongs to a group of drugs that protect the vascular walls. Its distinguishing feature in this group is its significant effect on blood rheological parameters, which makes it an extremely valuable specimen in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency in patients with comorbidities and factors causing an increase in blood viscosity.

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How to Cite
Galewicz, E., & Lewandowski , J. (2023). Efficacy of calcium dobesylate in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 16(1(58), 93-98. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.MF.0123.17


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