ACE-inhibitor of proven efficacy – benazepril Review article

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Robert Małecki


Acknowledged for many years as one of the safest and most effective ACE-inhibitors in the treatment of arterial hypertension, benazepril owes its particular results to certain specific qualities. High bioavailability, extended duration of action, double metabolic elimination route and good safety are the winning attributes of benazepril, which can be safely administered even in elderly patients or those suffering from kidney disease. The results of the Chinese research demonstrate that benazepril can be administered in total safety at full doses even in patients with stage 4 renal insufficiency. The study also shows that benazepril is effective even when renal insufficiency progresses and levels of creatinine continue to increase.

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How to Cite
Małecki , R. (2009). ACE-inhibitor of proven efficacy – benazepril. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 2(2(3), 33-38. Retrieved from


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