Benazepril – the step towards nephroprotection Review article

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Robert Małecki


Clinical practice guidelines recommend blockers of the renin-angiotensin system alone or in combination with other agents to reduce blood pressure and albuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes. In the AIPRI study after 3-yr follow-up, benazepril provides renoprotection by a significant proteinuria reduction and risk reduction in the treatment group for doubling baseline serum creatinine concentration or the need for dialysis. In ACCOMPLISH and in GUARD trials drug combinations of benazepril and amlodypine proved the efficacy for patients with cardiovascular and kidney disease progression. Benazepril alone or in combination with CCB becomes the cornerstone strategy in the management of patients with chronic nephropaties with proteinuria and with chronic renal failure.

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How to Cite
Małecki , R. (2009). Benazepril – the step towards nephroprotection. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 2(4(5), 30-36. Retrieved from


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