Meaning of statin use in vascular surgery Review article

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Izabela Taranta
Piotr Ciostek


The use of statins is widespread and many patients presenting for surgery are regularly taking them. There are clinical evidences that statins have beneficial effects, including reducing the perioperative risk of complications. This review addresses the pleiotropic effects of statins. Especially advantageous influence has been observed of numbers of patients presenting for cardiac or vascular surgery. The clinical evidence shows that statin use in the perioperative period reduces numbers of cardiac events after open aortic aneurysm repair, peripheral revascularizations or carotid endarterectomy. There is evidence that statins have beneficial anti- inflammatory actions beyond their lipid lowering effects. Statins decrease risk of sepsis.

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How to Cite
Taranta, I., & Ciostek, P. (2010). Meaning of statin use in vascular surgery. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 3(1(6), 70-76. Retrieved from


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