The ERASE study - should every patient with acute coronary syndrome receive statin? Effects of HMG-CoA inhibitors on atherosclerotic plaque in acute coronary syndrome Review article

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Zdzisława Kornacewicz-Jach
Małgorzata Czechowska
Irmina Kossuth


Beneficial effects of statin therapy on reduction in death and myocardial infarction number were confirmed in both patients with stable angina pectoris and patients with acute coronary syndrome. Studies using intravascular ultrasonography demonstrated that intensive statin therapy reduces atherosclerotic plaque volume independently of initial cholesterol level. In 2009 ERASE study analysis came out where reduction of atherosclerotic plaque volume in ACS patients was already observed 6±1week after statin therapy began. Despite limitations of aforementioned analysis ERASE study results vindicate early HMG-CoA inhibitor treatment as soon as possible after ACS episode.

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How to Cite
Kornacewicz-Jach, Z., Czechowska, M., & Kossuth, I. (2010). The ERASE study - should every patient with acute coronary syndrome receive statin? Effects of HMG-CoA inhibitors on atherosclerotic plaque in acute coronary syndrome. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 3(1(6), 36-42. Retrieved from


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