Aripiprazole as augmentation strategy for treatment-resistant depression – what is its influence on mental processes? Case report

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Sławomir Murawiec


Aripiprazole is recommended by the guidelines of the Polish Psychiatric Association and by the National Consultant in psychiatry as one of the options of potentialization of antidepressant treatment in treatment-resistant depression. It is a substance that has a transdiagnostic therapeutic effect, it can be used in monotherapy in several groups of disorders. However, in combination with an antidepressant, it can enhance the effectiveness of depression therapy. Its multi-profile mechanism of receptor action indicates that this substance modulates the action of several neurotransmitter systems, which may explain its therapeutic effect in many mental disorders, as well as in the potentialization of antidepressant treatment. The paper discusses two cases of patients with symptoms of depressive disorders resistant to treatment and concurrent various symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and specific problems in emotional regulation and psychological difficulties. The patients were in polytherapy during previous treatment, including antidepressants. After adding aripiprazole at a dose of 15 mg, the patients’ mental state and functioning improved significantly, enabling them to return to work. The effect of aripiprazole on the mental functions of these people included the activation of motivational processes, curiosity, involvement in exploring outside word, reducing the intensity of negative thoughts, reducing the severity of perceived anxiety and mental tension, and improving cognitive functions.

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How to Cite
Murawiec , S. (2022). Aripiprazole as augmentation strategy for treatment-resistant depression – what is its influence on mental processes?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 15(4(57), 436-441.


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