What was accomplished in ACCOMPLISH? Review article

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Robert Małecki


Current guidelines for the management of hypertension acknowledge that 2 or more drugs are likely to be required to achieve blood pressure control (≤130/80 mmHg) in patients with chronic kidney disease and recommend either an ACE inhibitor blocker or an ARB in combination with a thiazide-type diuretic. The ACCOMPLISH trial was designed to test the hypothesis that a combination of an ACE inhibitor with the CCB amlodipine would be superior to the combination of the same ACE inhibitor with HCTZ in reducing a composite of cardiac and stroke events in highrisk hypertensive patients. The main trial showed a 20% relative risk reduction in primary outcome events with benazepril-amlodipine. The subgroup analysis then validated the main results of ACCOMPLISH. Nephrological endpoint was significantly reduced by 47% in the benazeprilamlodipine group compared with the benazepril-HCTZ group in the diabetic patients and by 62% in the nondiabetic subgroup. A combination of a RAS blocker plus amlodipine can now be comfortably recommended to patients considered to have high-risk hypertension.

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How to Cite
Małecki , R. (2010). What was accomplished in ACCOMPLISH?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 3(4(9), 61-69. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2565


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