Benazepril position in the modern treatment of arterial hypertension Review article

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Radosław Grabysa


The current guidelines on arterial hypertension management highlighted the role of global cardiovascular risk assessment of the individual patient. This evaluation should influence the decision about starting pharmacotherapy. For the majority of patients, including patients with concomitant diseases or high cardiovascular risk, angiotensin-converting inhibitors may represent the most appropriate choice. Benazepril which is a representative of this group is a drug of proven antihypertensive efficacy, favorable influence on subclinical organ complications and cardiovascular prognosis, making it a good choice in both mono- and polytherapy of hypertension.

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How to Cite
Grabysa , R. (2011). Benazepril position in the modern treatment of arterial hypertension. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 4(4(13), 87-92. Retrieved from


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