What is new in Polish Society of Hypertension Guidelines of the management of arterial hypertension? Review article

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Piotr Jędrusik
Jacek Lewandowski


Last year, the Polish Hypertension Society published new guidelines on the management of patients with high blood pressure, updating its previous 2008 guidelines. The new guidelines include some major changes regarding such issues as threshold and target blood pressure values for drug therapy, and preference of some antihypertensive drugs over the other. The update is mainly based on new data from clinical studies reported in the recent years, and the latest European Society of Hypertension statement published in 2009. To help practicing physicians become acquainted with these new approaches to some issues in the management of hypertension, this paper provides a critical summary of the changes introduced in the current guidelines compared to the previous position of the Society.

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How to Cite
Jędrusik , P., & Lewandowski , J. (2012). What is new in Polish Society of Hypertension Guidelines of the management of arterial hypertension?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 5(1(14), 52-61. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2493


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