Benefits of lisinopril therapy in cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Our expectations after HALT-PKD trial Review article

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Anna Tomaszuk-Kazberuk
Jolanta Małyszko


ACE-I (angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitors) are one of the most important achievements of modern pharmacotherapy. Lisinopril is effective in the treatment of hypertension, in a monotherapy as well as in combination, in chronic heart failure, after acute coronary syndrome and in diabetic kidney disease. The results of ongoing the HALT-PKD study will try help to answer the question whether the optimal blood pressure control may slow the progression of chronic kidney disease, in all stages, or only in less advanced, and whether it is related to the prevalence of cardiovascular complications.

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How to Cite
Tomaszuk-Kazberuk, A., & Małyszko, J. (2012). Benefits of lisinopril therapy in cardiovascular and kidney diseases. Our expectations after HALT-PKD trial. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 5(4(17), 14-20. Retrieved from


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