Plant sterols – current knowledge and recommendations Review article

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Bartosz Sobień
Anna Tyrka
Grzegorz Kopeć
Piotr Podolec


Cardiovascular diseases of which the leading position is occupied by coronary artery disease (CAD) remain the main cause of death in developed countries. One of the main risk factors of CAD is inadequate nutrition, especially excessive intake of animal-derived lipids. Studies show that some lipid components such as: polyunsaturated fatty acids, plant-derived sterols and stanols may decrease cholesterol blood concentration. Phytosterols are contained in plant cellular membranes. The richest sources of phytosterols are: unrafinated oils, other corn products, legumes and nuts. Phytosterols decrease cholesterol absorption in gut. Abundant intake of phytosterols causes state of relative hypocholesterolemia in human organism. This results in increased LDL-receptors expression in different types of cells. Consequently LDL transport to cells is accelerated and its blood concentration is reduced. Phytosterols supplementation is presently one of the accepted LDL lowering therapies used in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Despite uncommon side effects, use of phytosterols seems to become interesting perspective in dietary therapy of hypercholesterolemia.

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How to Cite
Sobień, B., Tyrka , A., Kopeć , G., & Podolec, P. (2013). Plant sterols – current knowledge and recommendations. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 6(2(19), 15-21. Retrieved from


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