Lercanidipine – unique, original hypotensive drug Review article

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Małgorzata Waszkiewicz
Jacek Lewandowski


Lercanidipine is a third-generation dihydropyridine calcium antagonist acting through the blockade of the L-type calcium channels in cell membranes. It is highly selective for vascular smooth muscle and has a high lipophilicity. A gradual onset of action explains why lercanidipine does not induce reflex tachycardia. In contrast to first and second generation of dihydropyridines, it induces peripheral edema with a lower incidence. The efficacy and tolerability of oryginal lercanidipine have been evaluated in several comparative and non-comparative studies. Recent data suggest that lercanidipine may have also renoprotective and anti-atherogenic effect. Other benefits reported with lercanidipine are favorable effects on glucose tolerance and fibrinolysis.

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How to Cite
Waszkiewicz, M., & Lewandowski , J. (2013). Lercanidipine – unique, original hypotensive drug. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 6(4(21), 36-43. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2394


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