Single-pill combination in the treatment of hypertension – a way to improve effectiveness and prognosis Review article

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Paulina Nowek
Marzena Ławrynowicz
Andrzej Rynkiewicz


Hypertension is a number one worldwide health problem and a major preventable risk factor for cardiovascular events. Achieving an optimal blood pressure (BP) target for patients with hypertension will often require more than one blood pressure lowering drug. Combination therapy confers many advantages such as better efficacy and a better tolerability. A better compliance and simplicity of treatment is noted with the single-pill combination. On the basis of large, outcome-driven trials, preferred dual combinations include an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) (or ARB) combined with a calcium channel blocker (CCB), or an ACEI (or ARB) combined with a diuretic. Some combinations are not recommended and may be harmful, such as dual renin angiotensin aldosterone system inhibition. Combination therapy as an initial approach is advocated in patients with a systolic blood pressure more than 20 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure more than 10 mmHg above target and in patients with high CV risk. Using single-pill combinations has been stressed and favored in recent international guidelines.

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How to Cite
Nowek, P., Ławrynowicz, M., & Rynkiewicz, A. (2014). Single-pill combination in the treatment of hypertension – a way to improve effectiveness and prognosis. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 7(1(22), 7-13. Retrieved from


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