10 benefits of using acarbose Review article

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Wiesława B. Duda-Król


Acarbose inhibits α-glucosidase. It can be used together with other anti-diabetic medicines already in the second stage of diabetes treatment. Acarbose reduces postprandial and fasted blood glucose level, equalizes daily glycemic profile, it has no influence on body weight and when administered alone, do not cause hypoglycemia. Acarbose is a safe medication due to the local mechanism of action and does not cause serious side effects.

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How to Cite
Duda-Król, W. B. (2015). 10 benefits of using acarbose. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 8(2(27), 49-52. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2311


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