6 reasons to choose indapamide in the treatment of hypertension Review article

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Marta Domańska
Iwonna Grzywanowska-Łaniewska


Effective treatment of hypertension due to the spread of the disease in the population is the main target and therapeutic challenge at the same time. Indapamide is one of the main therapeutic options both alone and in combination with other antihypertensive medications with ACE inhibitors in particular. Due to the complex mechanism of action, indapamide effectively reduces blood pressure and also is a drug with very good tolerability and safety of use in different clinical situations also in older patients and with multiple comorbidities which has been confirmed in numerous clinical trials.

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How to Cite
Domańska , M., & Grzywanowska-Łaniewska, I. (2015). 6 reasons to choose indapamide in the treatment of hypertension. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 8(2(27), 39-44. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2309


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