9 reasons why you should use metformin in prediabetic state Review article
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Prediabetes is one of the strongest risk factors for diabetes. At the time of diagnosis, it requires a reaction to prevent or postpone the onset of diabetes. The best results brings lifestyle modification, but in practice it is a goal, that is difficult to achieve. In such cases it is reasonable to prescribe metformin. Many clinical studies proves that this is a multidirectional, effective action. The Polish Diabetes Association recommend the use of metformin in prediabetic state.
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How to Cite
Duda-Król, W. B. (2015). 9 reasons why you should use metformin in prediabetic state. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 8(4(29), 70-74. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/jebm/article/view/2286
Copyright © by Medical Education. All rights reserved.
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2. Zalecenia kliniczne dotyczące postępowania u chorych na cukrzycę 2015. Stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego. Diabet. Klin. 2015; 4(supl. A): A20-A22.
3. Diabetes Association. Clinical practice recommendations 2011. Diabetes Care 2011; 34(supl. 1): S1-S98.
4. Plantinga L.C., Crews D.C., Coresh J. et al.: Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in US adults with undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2010; 5: 673-682.
5. Santaguida P.L., Balion C., Hunt D. et al.: Diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glucose. Evid. Rep. Technol. Assess. (Summ.) 2005; (128): 1-11.
6. Nguyen T.T., Wang J.J., Wong T.Y.: Retinal vascular changes in pre-diabetes and prehypertension: new findings and their research and clinical implications. Diabetes Care 2007; 30: 2708-2715.
7. Barr E.L., Zimmet P.Z., Welborn T.A. et al.: Risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in individuals with diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose, and impaired glucose tolerance: the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). Circulation 2007; 116: 151-157.
8. Bandurska-Stankiewicz E., Białkowska M., Bolanowski M. et al.: Stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań nad Otyłością w kwestii stosowania metforminy u osób otyłych w stanach przedcukrzycowych. Endokrynologia, Otyłość i Zaburzenia Przemiany Materii 2011; 7(2): 152-156.
9. Zhou X.H., Qiao Q., Zethelius B. et al.: Diabetes, prediabetes and cancer mortality. Diabetologia 2010; 53: 1867-1876.
10. Duda-Król W.B., Mamcarz A.: Renesans metforminy – 33 pytania i odpowiedzi. Medical Education, Warszawa 2008.
11. Knowler W.C., Barrett-Connor E., Fowler S.E. et al.: Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002; 346: 393-403.
12. Knowler W.C., Fowler S.E., Hamman R.F. et al.; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group: 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet 2009; 374: 1677-1686.
13. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group (UKPDS): Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). Lancet 1998; 352: 837-853.
14. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group (UKPDS): Effect of intensive blood-glucose control with metformin on complications in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 34). Lancet 1998; 352: 854-865.
15. Abbasi F., Carantoni M., Chen Y.D. et al.: Further evidence for a central role of adipose tissue in the antihyperglycemic effect of metformin. Diabetes Care 1998; 21: 1301-1305.
16. Palumbo P.J.: Metformin: effects on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J. Diabetes Complications 1998; 12: 110-119.
17. Holman R.R., Paul S.K., Bethel M.A. et al.: 10-year follow-up of intensive glucose control in type 2 diabetes. N. Engl. J. Med. 2008; 359: 1577-1589.
18. Wright A.D., Cull C.A., Macleod K.M. et al.: Hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetic patients randomized to and maintained on monotherapy with diet, sulfonylurea, metformin or insulin for 6 years from diagnosis: UKPDS73. J. Diabetes Complications 2006; 20: 395-401.
19. Evans J.M., Donnelly L.A., Emslie-Smith A.M. et al.: Metformin and reduced risk of cancer in diabetic patients. BMJ 2005; 330: 1304-1305.
20. Milewicz T., Kiałka M., Mrozińska S. et al.: Metformina – potencjalny nowy lek w terapii nowotworów ginekologicznych. Przegląd Lekarski 2013; 70(2): 81-84.
21. PAP/Rynek Zdrowia: Ruszają badania nad metforminą. Ten lek przedłuża życie?.
22. Sterne J.: Du Nouveau dans les antidiabetiques. La NN dimethylamino guanyl guanidine (N.N.D.G.). Maroc. Medical 1957; 36: 1295-1296.
23. Charakterystyka Produktu Leczniczego. Metformax 500 mg.
2. Zalecenia kliniczne dotyczące postępowania u chorych na cukrzycę 2015. Stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego. Diabet. Klin. 2015; 4(supl. A): A20-A22.
3. Diabetes Association. Clinical practice recommendations 2011. Diabetes Care 2011; 34(supl. 1): S1-S98.
4. Plantinga L.C., Crews D.C., Coresh J. et al.: Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in US adults with undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes. Clin. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2010; 5: 673-682.
5. Santaguida P.L., Balion C., Hunt D. et al.: Diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of impaired glucose tolerance and impaired fasting glucose. Evid. Rep. Technol. Assess. (Summ.) 2005; (128): 1-11.
6. Nguyen T.T., Wang J.J., Wong T.Y.: Retinal vascular changes in pre-diabetes and prehypertension: new findings and their research and clinical implications. Diabetes Care 2007; 30: 2708-2715.
7. Barr E.L., Zimmet P.Z., Welborn T.A. et al.: Risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in individuals with diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose, and impaired glucose tolerance: the Australian Diabetes, Obesity, and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). Circulation 2007; 116: 151-157.
8. Bandurska-Stankiewicz E., Białkowska M., Bolanowski M. et al.: Stanowisko Polskiego Towarzystwa Badań nad Otyłością w kwestii stosowania metforminy u osób otyłych w stanach przedcukrzycowych. Endokrynologia, Otyłość i Zaburzenia Przemiany Materii 2011; 7(2): 152-156.
9. Zhou X.H., Qiao Q., Zethelius B. et al.: Diabetes, prediabetes and cancer mortality. Diabetologia 2010; 53: 1867-1876.
10. Duda-Król W.B., Mamcarz A.: Renesans metforminy – 33 pytania i odpowiedzi. Medical Education, Warszawa 2008.
11. Knowler W.C., Barrett-Connor E., Fowler S.E. et al.: Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002; 346: 393-403.
12. Knowler W.C., Fowler S.E., Hamman R.F. et al.; Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group: 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet 2009; 374: 1677-1686.
13. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group (UKPDS): Intensive blood-glucose control with sulphonylureas or insulin compared with conventional treatment and risk of complications in patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 33). Lancet 1998; 352: 837-853.
14. UK Prospective Diabetes Study Group (UKPDS): Effect of intensive blood-glucose control with metformin on complications in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 34). Lancet 1998; 352: 854-865.
15. Abbasi F., Carantoni M., Chen Y.D. et al.: Further evidence for a central role of adipose tissue in the antihyperglycemic effect of metformin. Diabetes Care 1998; 21: 1301-1305.
16. Palumbo P.J.: Metformin: effects on cardiovascular risk factors in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. J. Diabetes Complications 1998; 12: 110-119.
17. Holman R.R., Paul S.K., Bethel M.A. et al.: 10-year follow-up of intensive glucose control in type 2 diabetes. N. Engl. J. Med. 2008; 359: 1577-1589.
18. Wright A.D., Cull C.A., Macleod K.M. et al.: Hypoglycemia in type 2 diabetic patients randomized to and maintained on monotherapy with diet, sulfonylurea, metformin or insulin for 6 years from diagnosis: UKPDS73. J. Diabetes Complications 2006; 20: 395-401.
19. Evans J.M., Donnelly L.A., Emslie-Smith A.M. et al.: Metformin and reduced risk of cancer in diabetic patients. BMJ 2005; 330: 1304-1305.
20. Milewicz T., Kiałka M., Mrozińska S. et al.: Metformina – potencjalny nowy lek w terapii nowotworów ginekologicznych. Przegląd Lekarski 2013; 70(2): 81-84.
21. PAP/Rynek Zdrowia: Ruszają badania nad metforminą. Ten lek przedłuża życie?.
22. Sterne J.: Du Nouveau dans les antidiabetiques. La NN dimethylamino guanyl guanidine (N.N.D.G.). Maroc. Medical 1957; 36: 1295-1296.
23. Charakterystyka Produktu Leczniczego. Metformax 500 mg.