Depression in somatic diseases. In which groups of patients should be applied tianeptine? Review article

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Anna Mosiołek


Depression is a serious disease carrying to significant consequences, not only health, but also social. It is estimated as one of the main causes of hospitalization among both women and men over 50. Annually about 100 million people around the world show the symptoms of depression. The most visible symptoms of this disease are related to the emotional sphere, but equally strongly depression affects the cognitive functioning of patients. A person with depression has great difficulty in performing professional duties and housework. Severe episodes, called major depression, almost completely prevent their execution, with the exception of minor acts of self-service. Depression increases the risk of heart failure, especially of patients with coronary artery disease, and is associated with poor quality of life, the use of multiple medications, a higher incidence of adverse events and hospitalization and increased mortality risk. It is estimated that early diagnosed depression is a treatable disease in about 80%, but there is a high risk of recurrence of symptoms. Preventing recurrence in depression has become one of the most important tasks of healing and in the first period is primarily effective treatment of this episode. Preventing recurrence in depression has become one of the most important tasks of healing the disease. Tianeptine appears to be the drug particularly useful in the treatment of depression in patients with somatic diseases, not only because the effectiveness of antidepressant and anxiolytic was confirmed by research, but also good tolerability, safety and low risk of drug interactions.

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How to Cite
Mosiołek , A. (2016). Depression in somatic diseases. In which groups of patients should be applied tianeptine?. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 9(2(31), 102-108. Retrieved from


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