Telmisartan in elderly – the facts speak for themselves Review article

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Katarzyna Kostka-Jeziorny
Andrzej Tykarski


The worldwide increase in the elderly population is associated with concurrent increases in prevalence of systemic hypertension and morbidity and mortality from vascular complications of hypertensive disease. The elderly population with hypertension is at especially high risk for vascular complications. Telmisartan is highly effective antihypertensive agent and is widely regarded as having tolerability profile similar to that of placebo. The combination therapy with telmisartan plus amlodipine may exert beneficial cardiometabolic effect in elderly patients.

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How to Cite
Kostka-Jeziorny , K., & Tykarski , A. (2019). Telmisartan in elderly – the facts speak for themselves. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 11(3(40), 185-188.


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