Ambroxol and its anti-viral activity. A commentary to human and animal studies Commentary

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Rafał Pawliczak


Mucolytic and mucokinetic agents are widely utilized in everyday clinical practice. They are prescribed mostly in upper and lower airway infections, as well in chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment. Are they all identical? No. Some of them have extra properties, and could deliver some additional benefits. In this short review we focused on ambroxol. Ambroxol delivers well documented antiviral activity, decreasing RV and influenza proliferation rate. Therefore, ambroxol might decrease the length of rhinoviral and influenza airway infections, as well could be useful in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations prevention.

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How to Cite
Pawliczak , R. (2019). Ambroxol and its anti-viral activity. A commentary to human and animal studies. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 12(1(42), 28-31.


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