Awareness of the functioning of the voice, its emission and physiotherapeutic treatment possibilities, and the health of the vocal organs Original article
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This paper presents the results of analyzes regarding the impact of awareness in the field of functioning of the voice, its emission and physiotherapeutic treatment possibilities on the health of the vocal apparatus. They are based on data collected by means of a survey and literature review. The main objective of the study was to assess and compare the prevalence of voice emission disorders among those involved and not involved in vocal training. The research groups were teachers, academic lecturers, vocalists, lectors and voice instructors, that is the most important vocational groups using voice at work and most exposed to potential dysfunctions within the vocal apparatus. According to the research, almost half of the respondents experienced laryngitis in the last 2 years or had similar diseases of the airways which prevented them from using their voice. Almost 25% of the people participating in the study declared that they were not aware of the possibilities of rehabilitating the voice apparatus with the help of a physiotherapist, and 8% of the respondents showed a moderate or large voice disability on the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) scale, which provides the basis for further research in the area.
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