Bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF) – can it be a therapeutic option for selected patients with lipid metabolism disorders? – analysis of clinical cases Case series report

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Maciej Janiszewski
Marek Chmielewski
Artur Mamcarz


Lipid metabolic disorders are one of the most common cardiovascular risk factors. The basis for the treatment of dyslipidemia is lifestyle modification and, in selected patients – pharmacotherapy with the use of statins. In some patients, non-pharmacological treatment is not effective enough and their overall cardiovascular risk is relatively low. In such patients, there is no indication for statin therapy and functional food and dietary supplements could be the therapeutic option. One of the new and relatively well-tested dietary supplements is bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF). The article analyzes the results of the use of BPF in 3 patients with various stages of lipid disorders.

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How to Cite
Janiszewski , M., Chmielewski , M., & Mamcarz , A. (2019). Bergamot polyphenolic fraction (BPF) – can it be a therapeutic option for selected patients with lipid metabolism disorders? – analysis of clinical cases. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 12(3(44), 197-203.


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