Idarucizumab – practical application in 3 clinical cases Case report

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Krzysztof Ozierański
Marcin Grabowski


First-line drugs for anticoagulation therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation are non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOAC). Dabigatran is currently the only representative of NOAC with an antidote registered in Poland (a molecule called idarucizumab) giving the possibility of reversing the anticoagulant effect in case of emergency (life-threatening bleeding or the need for urgent intervention associated with a significant risk of bleeding). Idarucizumab is administered in a dose of 5 g in the form of two vials (2.5 g each in a volume of 50 ml by rapid infusion [5–10 min] i.v., or as a bolus injection). This article presents three clinical cases of the practical application of idarucizumab with comments.

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How to Cite
Ozierański, K., & Grabowski, M. (2020). Idarucizumab – practical application in 3 clinical cases. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 13(1(46), 131-135.


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