Odontogenic infections, periodontitis and prophylaxis of distant infections – indications for the antibiotic therapy Review article

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Ewa Krasuska-Sławińska


Dental prophylaxis and early diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases can significantly affect human health in a positive way and reduce the risk of many general diseases. the basis for treatment of odontogenic infections of generally healthy patients is a local treatment consisting of purulent focus drainage and removal of the causative tooth or its endodontic treatment. only if the immediate causal treatment is not possible, it is rec- ommended to consider giving the patient an antibiotic to reduce infection, and then start the causal therapy as soon as the local condition allows it. the i line antibiotic for non-sensitized individuals is amoxicillin, followed by amocycillin with clavulanic acid, clindamycin and ampicillin with sulbactam. Periodontal tissue treatment is also a primarily mechanical treatment. the use of antibiotics is limited only to few clinical conditions. to treat periodontitis, the i line antibiotics are also amoxicycline or amoxicillin with clavulanic acid.

In dentistry, antibiotics are also used as a prevention of distant infections, where, according to recommendations, the i line antibiotic in the absence of sensitization is amoxicycline or amoxicycline with clavulanic acid. in dentistry, similar as in case of other diseases, it is important to adhere to the principles of antibiotic therapy and to use antibiotics only in necessary situations.

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How to Cite
Krasuska-Sławińska, E. (2020). Odontogenic infections, periodontitis and prophylaxis of distant infections – indications for the antibiotic therapy. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 13(3(48), 322-330. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.MF.0320.7


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